I found the most incredible book yesterday at the Southbank book market (Edward Lear's Nonsense Omnibus) full of gems and gorgeous little drawings but put it back because i thought it's £7.50 price tag was too hefty for my pockets. Really regretting not getting it now. As i knew i would...
I love love this! The rhyme reminds me of when I was at primary school, and we had to perform nursery rhyme puppet shows to the cynical parents. Thus I recited 'Jerry Hall, he was so small, a rat would eat him, hat and all." To a sea of mystified expressions.
Amazing! I so distinctly remember that we always used to have to sing this song about braves sardines that kept using the phrase 'apuskiduski, apusskidu' in the song. I find myself humming it every so often except i know no other words than that. what a shame